Radiant Heat Loss Survey
Although the cost of insulation can be high, the potential savings can deliver a rapid return on investment.
Our Surveys are available to calculate the standing losses from un-insulated steam pipes. All that's required to establish a realistic estimate is a simple site survey to identify the size of pipe and the steam pressure.
To use an example of the benefits: 10m of un-lagged internal pipe; a steam pressure of 10barg; an ambient temperature of 20°C; and a process running 24/7 can lose as much as £4500 per year. Simply installing 50mm of insulation to the 10m pipe length could reduce the running costs to £400/year.
Our surveys are carried out using Infrared cameras looking at all types plant / equipment to identify Energy Losses’. After targeted Heat Loss areas are found we can advise you on the best and most effective ways to reduce your energy bills with immediate effect!
Our experienced team can advise you on the best materials to use and methods of installation which we can provide.